Budiyu is for the 363 days a year that you do not have contact with your healthcare provider
For patients with a chronic condition, it is nice to be supported. Budiyu supports you with information and reminders.

By keeping a journal:
In Budiy you can invite people who can read and write in the diary. This creates an even more complete picture.

Do you also have difficulty adjusting and maintaining routines? Budiyu also supporst you by setting the goal and defining the steps and agreements that go with it.

Budiyu is designed to be easy to use. Budiyu talks to you and guides you through its use.

More on Budiyu

For patient organisations

With Budiyu you create a personal environment for your members with information and support for your condition. You maintain personal contact by sending a message to your members periodically. By including questionnaires about e.g. the quality of life you help your members and gain insight into the quality of life across the entire population. Users can now invite their network to take care of each other, later we will also enable contact between members.