As physicians, we strive to provide patients with the best quality of life.
It is a familiar story for us as doctors: current healthcare has all kinds of challenges. People are getting older, there are more and more treatment options, but at the same time the number of healthcare providers is shrinking.

As physicians, we strive to provide patients with the best quality of life. That is why I developed the Budiyu app together with a team of multidisciplinary experts. Budiyu is an innovative app that not only supports patients with a chronic condition, but also actively involves their loved ones in the treatment.

Budiyu is a digital buddy for patients with one or more (chronic) conditions. The app gives the patient control over his or her health. Budiyu does this with 2 powerful mechanisms: sympathetic chat technology on the one hand, and using the power of physical buddies (family, friends and fellow sufferers) on the other.